
Tuesday 14 February 2012

What's Next? The Woman In Back by Susan Hill

Since I've been talking a lot lately about What Comes First: The Book, The movie, Or My Ex-Husband, I thought I'd keep on going in that direction with the next pick.

It's Valentine's Day, or, as I renamed it this year, Whiskey Day. Also known as the day before the good chocolate goes to half price, also known as the week before the good chocolate goes to 75% off, also known as the day I watched 5 horror movies in a row, ate taco bell, and passed out while watching The Bodyguard and crying my eyes out into my fries supreme.

The Woman In Black by Susan Hill (first published in the early 80's, I do believe) is being released on the big screen this week, starring none other than a very grown up Daniel Radcliffe. Luckily for me, I never watched any of the Harry Potter movies, so seeing him as a different and much more serious character won't be that much of a shock. It's almost like I'll be able to judge him without any HP bias.

Here's the thing with horror movies - most of them disappoint the crap out of me. I guess when you live in a cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere your imagination has already run pretty rampant at every little noise and creak in the dark woods surrounding you, and someone else's idea of scary doesn;t come close to the real thing.

So, what do you think? Will the book scare me? Will the movie? Will I finally understand the obsession with Daniel after seeing him in this movie?

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